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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Locust Grove Picnic Area

sign board


If you want to experience peace and quiet, a drive or bike ride to Locust Grove just off the Niagara Parkway is the answer. This small lovely area is where you’ll find plenty of tall majestic Locust trees, playful chipmunks, and squirrels. Look to the skies and chances are you’ll see Turkey Vultures (and maybe the occasional Bald Eagle) soaring on the air currents.

At the edge of the grove, as you look into the Niagara River, you’ll see where the falls began 12,000 years ago.

If you want, bring along a picnic. There are about a half-dozen picnic tables.

The grove is located on the right (look for A VERY SMALL SIGN) 11 kilometres north of the falls along the Niagara Parkway. It’s just before the entrance to Queenston Heights Park as you head towards Niagara on the Lake.

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3.25 (4 votes)

2 Responses

    1. Yes, you are right. The mistake is on Google Maps. We updated the address now. Thank you

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