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TRAVEL LIKE A LOCAL | Top 10,000 Places to Visit in Canada

Sooke Potholes Provincial Park


Recommended by PaintingMyDearestFriends

With the Sooke River running along, the Sooke Potholes display naturally carved and polished rock pools that date back to 15,000 years from the ice age era. These formations are carved from the chain reaction of the melting ice and lodged boulders from the canyon walls – creating a deep path of natural bedrock.

The area is a favourite day visit for hiking and sightseeing for locals and visitors. These rock formations also have become a popular cliff jumping and swimming area.

The Sooke River within the park is also a popular salmon breeding ground. Catching and releasing fish is common.

Photos: kriscons, Kyle Pearce, flickr CC BY-NC 2.0

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