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Top 9 Places to Visit in

Causapscal | Quebec

The page created by Yahya Rage | George Brown College | Photo by Declic, Public Domain

Causapscal | Quebec Classified

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Reserve Faunique de Duniere

The Reserve Faunique de Duniere is prominent for its abundance of moose, with the opportunity for individuals to hunt at a nearly perfect success rate. This land is considered a moose hunters’ reserve and a protected area. It is a great place to tap into the hunting culture and discover how it honours heritages and passed down traditions.

The hunting ground also provides the opportunity to experience ecosystems and learn the art of the moose species (i.e., eat, rest, movement habits) by getting up close and personal.

Photo: facebook.com/cgrmpduniere/

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Site Patrimonial de Peche Matamajaw

The Site Patrimonial de Peche Matamajaw is a resort area dedicated to salmon fishing. It is renowned as a property that is engulfed in heritage. Within this site, visitors can visit the Causapscal Matapedia rivers Route 132 divides the vast land into two sections. It has five buildings, including the main lodge and an Indian cabin. There is a caretaker’s house, a canoe shed, and a snow pit on one side of the river.


When visitors enter the site, there can inquire about more information with the caretaker and have the opportunity to try different activities.

Photos: facebook.com/Matamajaw/


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Reserve Faunique des Rivieres Matapedia et Patapedia

The Reserve Faunique des Rivieres Matapedia et Patapedia is nearly isolated from the other attractions. Therefore, visitors can be away from the crowdedness and enjoy a quieter scenery.

You’ll enjoy fishing the Matapédia, Patapédia, and Causapscal rivers, which contain magnificent waterways perfect for beginners and experts alike, with salmon teeming in the pools. Take advantage of the beautiful scenery and get to know the friendly people.

Photo: tourisme-gaspesie.com

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Site des Chutes et Marais

This encounter will impress you with its range of activities. You can observe Salmo Salar crossing the Causapscal River’s famous fall and resting in the natural pit, which holds several hundred large specimens.

It naturally exposes visitors to a moment of relaxation. The relaxation occurs when inhaling the moss and sweet smells typical of the Matapedia forest. Visitors can enjoy various things, such as participating in the retention pit, watching the salmon jump and having fun on the water.

Photo: http://chutesetmarais.com

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Pont Couvert Heppell

The Pont Couvert Heppell is about 40 meters long and was built by the Heppell family in 1909. In celebration of the bridge’s centenary, Denys Heppell unveiled a sculpture. The bridge was then repainted with the efforts of volunteers.

When visiting the Pont Couvert Heppell, travellers can also further their activities by visiting the Salmon Pit; it is ultimately a two-for-one! The Salmon pit is near the bridge and receives a lot of traffic during the summer.

Photo: lamatapedia.ca

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Sentiers pedestres de Causapscal

Along the Causapscal River, these interpretive trails begin and end known as the Sentiers pedestres de Causapscal. The route is divided into two parts. Salmon are part of the local flora and fauna on the Les Berges trail. Two Quebec municipalities are linked by the Les Mémoires trail, Métis and Restigouche. Visitors will also discover the origin of the Appalachians.

Photo: baliseqc.ca

Leave your car at the Causapscal tourist information kiosk on route 132. The trailhead is at the end of rue Blanchard, along the Causapscal river.

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Chute a Philomene

There are few waterfalls as impressive as this 33-metre one in the region, named Chute a Philomene, located in a beautiful location.

The waterfall is viewed from a suspended platform, and a picnic area is set up there. In addition to the top trail, there is also a bottom trail leading to the falls. It is a family-friendly environment and allows individuals to take aesthetically pleasing pictures.

Photo: lamatapedia.ca

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Golf La Vallee du Reve

Near Causapscal, an enchanting site nestled among forests, rivers, and lakes. Relaxation is a must in this environment.

The Golf La Vallee du Ravee offers chalets, a bar-terrace and other sports activities, including a golf course. The course has been around for a significant period. We are providing a lot of character and history for those interested.

Photo: facebook.com/La-Vallée-du-rêve-193626073984557

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Tcheque ca! Librairie Boutique

The Tcheque ca! Librairie Boutique showcases various books, including antiques, for customers. It is a great place to find enriched books that have obtained loads of character. Individuals can also get antique items.

There are times such as wooden mini homes, toys for children, bookmarks etc. It is a source of joy and immense wonder for visitors.

Photo: facebook.com/tchequeca

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Top 9 Places to Visit in

Causapscal | Quebec

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Causapscal | Quebec Classified


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